Customer service info For your Current or Future Tune | MailOrderTuner

Customer Service tips before you call about a new tune and/or revision.
1. This is an online order form, this is not an online business. We have customer service that will answer calls and return emails. If you need to call us at 254-780-4000, or email at
2. Scan your vehicle with an OBD2 scanner and check codes. Make sure you have deleted old codes as well.
3.. If you ordered an email tune data log the vehicle, scan the vehicle, then send the current tune that matched the data log. This means rereading the tune from the vehicle. Then attach the tune and the data log.
4. When sending data logs or tune files, do not send them in zip files, links from Google Drive, or attachments from shortcuts. We can not open these files and it will delay your tune.
5. In the first paragraph of the email tune form it states you send your base file to us. Not doing so will result in a delay in your tune.
6. When you send your ECM to us mail it in your name if possible and/or put your order number in the box. If we get a package and have no way to attach it to the order this will delay you receiving your ECM back.
7. These are just a few things we see regularly. We are here to provide the best service and the best tunes out there. Customers play a role in helping when getting their tunes dialed in.